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tv   ABC 7 News at 1100  ABC  April 10, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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now that any pizza at pizza hut is just $10, you don't have to. any pizza, any size, any crust, and any toppings is just $10. all your favorite pizzas any way you want them, just $10. a large meat lover's pizza? $10. a large pan supreme? $10. any toppings you want? just 10 bucks, too. any pizza, any size, any crust, and any toppings. so don't miss out. get any pizza hut pizza today for just $10. only at your pizza hut. an airplane carrying poland's president crashes into a russian forest. mourners gathered at the polish embassy to pay their respects. >> it is a shock. >> did the pilots listen to a warning?
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world leaders descend on d.c. find out what you need to know to get around town. and the search for the trapped miners in west virginia and is in tragedy. new demands for answers about why it happened. captioned by the national captioning institute hello, i'm jennifer donelan. mourners had gathered at the polish embassy. poland's presidenthis wife, and other government leaders died in an airplane crash and reword that the pilot was warned not toand because of dense fog. john gonzalez is live at the embassy with the developments. about the pish prime minister is calling this the worst peacetime disaster in the country's history. ironically, jennifer, a history being remembered this weekend. it was already a somber trip to begin with.
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poland's president lech kosinski, his wife, and dozens of officials were headed to russia to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the slaughter of " thousands of polish military officers by the secret police in world war ii. am i saw the airplane flying low. >> others recall the pilot attempting to land several times in heavy fog before crashing into the forest. >> they were very good friends of mine. >> this local polish architect new six of the passengers on the airplane and is overwhelmed with emotions. >> i lost two uncles at the place where the airplane went down. >> the airplane, from the soviet union, had been involved in several crashes in the past. aeroflot recently it withdrew the model from service. >> everyone is praying and
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lighting candles. it is terrible, tragic. >> flags are flying at half staff at the polish embassy downtown as the mourners gathered to pray. some are still in disbelief. >> everybody is crying. >> while the entire nation graves, some wonder about the political ramifications. >> it would be a shock to any country. >> jennifer, the black boxes have been recovered. investigators believe that poor visibility may have been the cause. police officials have announced tonight that october's presidential election will be delayed. the president's strongest opponent was also on the airplane. john gonzalez, abc 7 news. here are more details on the top story, poland's parliament's the speaker is now the country's acting president. he will announce early elections
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within 14 days as required under the country's constitution. one week of mourning has been declared. tight security already in place tonight as world leaders arrive in d.c. for monday's nuclear summit. roadways around the convention center will be shut down and business owners and people who live in the area are already trying to deal with the disruptions. richard reeve has more on what people can expect. >> jennifer, the metro station at the convention center remains open. seventh street is clear, traffic moving back and forth. behind it, security fences in this area. this neighborhood will change dramatically in the next 24 hours and not everyone is happy. >> with a highly visible police presence -- presence, 10-foot tall security signs, residents and business owners located inside the secured areas around the convention center are voicing concern. >> coming out, walking to a
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friend's house and seeing it. it is disconcerting. >> authorities say the measures are necessary to protect 46 heads of state and their staff during the two-day nuclear summit. this man came home to find police and tow trucks on history, part of the deal he says of living in the district. >> there are helicopters and escorts. >> some businesses say they feel fenced in with little time to prepare. >> it takes it -- makes it tough on the employees and cuomers. >> this reaurant on with -- ninth street is hoping to stay open through the summit, tried to give customers the heads up. >> we're trying to work with them and give them the best restaurant, but the back door is the back door. >> there are other secured buildings the government loans such as the pentagon and cia, other places that would be far more better with protocol verses doing it to a neighborhood.
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>> expect to see a lot of signs like this in the area. parking is strictly enforced. we are told metro will shut down the station here at the convention center at 9:00. the streets will close around the convention center at 10:00. that certainly affects a lot more police presence -- certainly expect a lot more police presence as monday approaches. that the search for a full you are missing miners is over, crews are gathering evidence. this aftnoon a funeral was held for one of the 29 miners who died in monday's explosion. the town came together at the elementary school to remember the minor. the scene will be repeated until all are laid to rest. >> the families are getting some closure, but the pain is still there. it will go away. >> they're still working to recover all the bodies from the upper big branch mine. no word on how long that will
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take. meanwhile, federal investigators will be in west virginia monday and president obama has asked them to report to him next week. the diplomat who calls the bomb scare from d.c. to denver has left the u.s. state department officials say mohammed al-madadi boarded a flight to qatar last night. he slipped into an airplane bathroom to smoke and then jumped about letting his shoe on fire. president obama is considering potential nominees to replace retiring supreme court justice john paul stevens. he will retire this summer. the president no longer has the votes in the senate to overcome a filibuster, and republicans have little incentive to hand the president a victory this month before house and senate elections. >> there is no question in this toxic environment, the republicans are likely to oppose
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most any nominee. the question is whether president obama is willing to go to the mat for a nominee the way he did with health care. >> the white house has a list of about 10 names under consideration. ipresident obama promises to pik a nominee quickly. and at georgetown university are on alert after stood was sexually assaulted. the incident took place at copley hall. the suspect grabbed the victim from behind, pushed her against the wall, and forced his hand up her skirt. the victim got away and alerted the police and the suspect is still on the run. an overnight house fire in potomac injured one firefighter and left three people homeless. it broke out shortly after midnight and the 10,000 block of light stone place. fire officials say the blaze caused heavy damage to the large house. the injured firefighter suffered
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non life-threatening injuries. the red cross has stepped in to help the family. there could soon be a new way to keep tabs on sex offenders in maryland. state senators passed legislation that would add special coating to the driver's license that would alert the police to ask more questions if they stop a registered sex offender with a child. opponents say it only makes it tougher for them to rejoin society. the bill now goes to a house panel for approval. maryland senators voted state to legalize medical marijuana. the measure would allow pharmacies to distribute marijuana to patients whose doctors approve and read categorize the drug as highly regulated. the bill now moves to the house for consideration. a delegate sponsoring a similar measure says it is not likely to pass. bands, balloons, and blossoms marched down constitution avenue at the
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annual cherry blossom parade featuring various celebrities. corsicana and served as grand marshal. some tourists traveled far and wide to attend. >> i actually adore cherry blossoms. i have been wanting to come ever since i can remember. >> uchitel she loves them. tomorrow is the final day of the cherry blossom festival. the kicks off with a 10-mile run around 8:00 a.m. great weather today, but what is in store tomorrow? let's check in with meteorologist steve rudin. >> we have a really nice day on the way tomorrow, clear skies tonight. we could be looking at frost. the storm scan, the belfort furniture weather center, mostly clear skies right now, the temperatures dropping. frost advisory for the shenandoah valley until 2:00 in the morning until 8:00 tomorrow morning. it does not affect the immediate
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metro area. the temperatures tonight in the upper 30's. mid-40s within the beltway. coming up, the extended outlook. a nice warm up tomorrow and what we can expect in the upcoming work week. coming up, is tiger woods back on course? we have the highlights as he makes his comeback at the masters. plus, shoppers run for cover as gunfire broke out at a mall. and international outrage after an adopted couple -- adoptive couple put their job on an airplane and sent him back.
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♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside
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♪ let freedom ring ♪
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there is growing shock around the world at what happened to a 7-year-old russian boy who was adopted by a u.s. couple. the woman adopted the little boy from a russian orphanage last september but earlier this week put him on an airplane back to moscow with a note. she said he is violent and for the safety of her family she
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does not want to have the child. >> this was an irresponsible act, even irrespective of how difficult a time she was having. the boy's adoptive grandmother said he was watched over by a flight attendant and they hired a man in moscow to pick him up at the airport. russia is threatening to suspend adoptions in the u.s. as a result of this. a shooting at a credit oklahoma mall left one person dead and several wounded. gunfire broke out at 4:00 at the era at mall in tuskegee. authorities lockdown the area and urged everyone to stay away. no arrests have been made. the police are trying to determine how many suspects were involved and if the incident was gang-related. gop chairman michael steele admitted he has made mistakes and vows to learn from them. he made the comments during a republican leadership conference in new orleans. he told the group it was time to move on, referring to the rnc's recent spending splurge at a
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club in california. he also commented on president obama's agenda and the upcoming midterm elections. >> our children are not for sale! >> teachers, parents, and students from all over rally outside the department of education, upset with education secretary to r. a. duncan's raced to the top initiative. it awards states that create conditions for education, innovation, and reform. however, the protesters believe the funds could. it should be given to states based on need. >> cut a security scare at the census bureau near baltimore turned out to be a bit false alarm. it's started this morning when a white powder substance was discovered on a piece of mail. as a precaution, workers were moved to another area and one person was taken to the hospital. officials determine the powder was coffee creamer. the workers returned to work a couple of hours later. a california teenager is
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setting his sights high attempting to climb the world's highest peak. the 13-year-old, his father, stepmother will set off to climb mount everest tomorrow. if he succeeds, he will be the and this person to conquer the summit, which is over 29,000 feet above sea level. he has already climbed five of the seven highest peak on seven connents. wt did you want to do when you were 13? >> i wanted to do the weather. >> really? >> i am totally serious. i have a video when i was 9 years old. who knew? interesting day tomorrow, lots of sunshine. it looks like it will stick around the next several days. looking down pennsylvania avenue, it is quiet, dry. nice evening ahead. the temperatures will drop quickly under the clear skies. the weatherbug network, 56 degrees currently at wtop upper
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northwest. a high of 66. currently 50 woodstock, va.. the final stop, beltsville, 48 degrees. a high of 64. they had a cold start. it temperatures around 36. the high at reagan national, 56, a morning low 43. a pretty much exactly where we should be this time of year. we look for above-average temperatures again tomorrow. it outside, balkans, west virginia, 41, hagerstown 56. the warm air to the south and est. this is what is on the way sunday. daytime high temperatures approaching the middle 70's. the cold front to the north across portions of wisconsin and michigan and southern ontario eventually drifting to the south tomorrow night and early monday morning. that could give us the chance of an isolated showers, but maybe to the west and north of d.c. it is quite and dry, the mountains to the delmarva
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peninsula. frost advisory in effect from the panhandle of west virginia into the shenandoah valley, nothing in the immediate metro area. the plants on the porch should be ok. tomorrow, beautiful day, lots of sunshine, cooler air to the north. cooler temperatures monday and tuesday as week after the upcoming work week. mostly clear tonight, upper 30's, mittal 40's. the wind out of the southwest at 3-8. tomorrow morning, cool start for the run, temperatures rebounding into the 50's and 60's. by the afternoon, high temperature near 75 degrees. that is about 10 degrees above average this time of year. extended outlook, cooling down monday, courtesy of the cold front. that drops temperatures into the 60's. tuesday, wednesday, even thursday, and by friday the next best chance of rain across the area. temperatures in the 70's.
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overnight lows in the 50's. cold start tomorrow. if you are going to the race, but not. it will be cold. >> horace holmes will be there, but he is not running. up nxt, some local models hit the catwalk.
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the fourth annual fashion for paws kicked off this evening. pamela brown started her stuff, and cynne simpson was also in attendance as a vip guest. so far this year, fashion 4 paws has raised $288,000. all of tonight's proceeds will benefit the washington humane society. i am very upset tonight.
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le us move on. talking about the wizards, in action tonight. sports is coming up. tiger woods making headlines on he course. he is in the hunt. this is your captain speaking, we are fourteenth in line for take off. beep, beep, beep. looks like its bumper to bumper on the interstate. i gotta get to cleveland! should have skipped that second soda. remove your belt, your watch, your shoes. i wonder what gas costs today. seven dollars for a pillow! an extra bag costs what? i hate traffic! (train child) the train is now arriving. (announcer) the train has arrived indeed. amtrack. enjoy the journey. on to lower your bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? then you may not be seeing the whole picture. ask your doctor about trilipix.
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if you're at high risk of heart disease and taking a statin to lowebad cholesterol, along with diet, adding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerides and raise good cholesterol to help improve all three cholesterol numbers. trilipix has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or stroke more than a statin alone. trilipix is not for everyone, including people with liver, gallbladder, or severe kidney disease, or nursing women. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. blood tests are eded before and during treatment to check for liver problems. contact your doctor if you develop unexplained muscle pain or weakness, as this can be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. this risk may be increased when trilipix is used with a statin. if you cannot afford your medication, call 1-866-4-trilipix for more information. trilipix. there's more to cholesterol. get the picture. but now it can make you more connected to your doctor through e-mail. test results from home. check records. change appointments.
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now doctors, nurses, techs, pharmacists are all digitally connected to each other. and ultimately connected to you. at kaiser permanente, we believe that if knowledge is power, shared knowledge is even more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers -- moving you
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forward. the 2010 masters is turning out to be quite a tournament, starts at the top of the leader board, great play. speaking of great play, here is one from tiger woods. tough shot on three. the ball past eyes, right ito the cup. he made a run to close with a birdie putt 15, moving to eight under par. ifive bogeys in the round. on 18, beautiful approach. watch this come down, come down, and stopped just a few feet from the hole. he taps in the bird, finishes the day at eight under par. the hottest player on the golf course, phil mickelson, the eagle on 13 moves him to nine under. but he was not done. the suite approach on 14. that drops. right at the cup. back-to-back eagles, only the third time that has been done in
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the history of the masters. he was 11 under par. lee west would -- westwood finishes at 12 under par. >> i was playing hard today. i'm just trying to get myself back in the tournament because i was struggling really bad out there. just a couple more games on the schedule for the wizards, tonight welcoming the atlanta hawks. fighting for playoff position. andre blatche watches and it lands. he finishes with 26 points. fourth quarter, young is working off several screens, nothing but net. tied at 83-83. the hawks impose their will down the stretch. the four-point play. crawford is filed. the wizards are outscored 22-12 in the final minute and they lose. the washington nationals and
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new york this afternoon against the mets. the bottom fourth, tavares right up the middle. adam dunn at its to the plate. the nationals on top. the mets had one run. watch this highlight reel game saving catch. the bases loaded, the line shot. harris stretches out and preserves the lead. washington wins. the orioles tried to get back to the win column against the blue jays. molina says it up the middle. here comes across the onto the plate. safe at the plate. the blue jays lose. -- orioles lose. d.c. united, moreno steps and, kicks the ball. he scores. we are tied.
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sebastian teases out for the public. that is going into the back of the net. the capitals have closed out an extremely successful regular season tomorrow afternoon against the boston bruins. they will not find out who they play in the first round until tomorrow. the flyers and readers are both ying for the final playoff spot and they play each other, the winner gets the caps -- the flyers and rangers are both vying for the final playoff spot. thank you, pothole tarmac.
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steve rudin has the final check. >> nice tomorrow, starting off cool. although up if you are heading out. nicely warming up, 75 at midday, the temperatures cooling into the upper 60's monday. back door cold front on the way. that will bring us cooler temperatures tuesday and wednesday, warming up thursday. the next best chance of showers friday.
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horace holmes is doing play- by-play for the race tomorrow. wake up early. have a great night. take care. [ male announcer ] you may not be getting the most
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